Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Why do we expect ,only to be disappointed by what we expect?

I guess that question doesn't really have an answer because no body could begin to comprehend why we live in expectation of anything. Sometimes we expect way too much of ourselves and we end up disapointed when our pathes lead us other ways. For instance, Growing up you saw your life a certain way. After highschool you wanted to go to school for something that would change the world. After college/uni you would find your dream job full of every perk known to the working world. By 24 you would meet 'the one' and by 30 you would have 3 little ones (A boy and two girls, to be exact) and a dog named Sparky. Life will be complete and total bliss. But instead you find yourself working some critical 9-5 job with weasly pay and you are single. And the kids and Sparky? Well, let's just say they 'haven't been invented yet'.

So, are you happy things didn't work out the way you planned? No Way!! You thrived on that idea! Ofcourse your not happy. But at the end of the day, whose fault is that? Well, to be frank, Yours. See, you put the bar so damn high, that it's impossible to raise your leg high enough to jump over it! You built this wall around you so that basically, if you don't fit the bill, you can't even show me what you got. I am not a therypist but I know an 'expecter' when I see one. What bothers me is that these people are amazing, smart, funny, charming, etc. But they won't let anyone in that isn't what they expected. We are fighting with ourselves because on the inside we want to, but on the outside, this isn't what we anticipated so, it just can't happen.

I see alot of people around me like this and I started wondering if this is what I am like without realizing it. After some soul searching I realized, we all have a bit of expectation in us, we all have an idea of how life should be, but what separated the boys from the men is this, Expecting life to be perfect or dreaming that life was perfect. We all have a right to dream and wish for something bigger and better, but if we take it too far where it rules our thoughts and mind, that's life just becomes a disappointment.

So, Will you be an expector or a dreamer? Think about it...

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