Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Bill Binder

Hello Big Spenders,

              Well, it's Thursday night/ Friday morning and I am up when I should be sleeping. The reason I am up though, is a good reason. I have decided that in order to get out of my debt, I need to be more organized when it comes to paying my bills. Usually I just write everything down on a piece of paper, 2 days before payday and shove it in the back of my calender for work. But I came across this cool 'Bills Binder' on Pinterest today and I was really intrigued. I decided to give it a go. No surprise my computer refused to print the 'printables' to make my binder complete, so I am stuck making them manually on Word. Can you say 'annoyed'!! Anyways, I have to admit, it may, make paying bills enjoyable. Ha ha! who are we kidding? Bills? Enjoyable? Pulease!!! But I mean, with all the colors and fun word art it will atleast make it bearable. Am I allowed using that word? I have yet to complete my work of art as I got sleepy and gave up quickly. Anyways, when I am finished I will share it with you all! Have a good sleep!

Friday, March 15, 2013

When Good Paydays Go Bad

Yah, I know it's 1am but I am just too exhausted to sleep, if that makes sense. But what I am trying to say is, I am just too stressed out to even hit the pillow yet. You know those nights when you can actually feel the bags under your eyes? Yeah, that is totally me right now. I know I need to get some shut eye because I have to get up for work at 8am. But today was a bust. Well, I guess what I should say is, today was a good day until this evening and then it turned into a stinker.

So, I got my pay check today and I had my budget all worked out. After all my bills were paid, which included a visa payment and paying back all my family members the money I owed them, I only had two plans, to go buy some makeup and then to purchase a new pair of glasses (the website that I order my glasses off of was having a good sale). After that I would still have a good amount of savings and some left over cash for the week. After accomplishing my budget and my calculations coming out correctly, it seems like I was ahead, which means I was in a good place financially and I wouldn't be completely poor for the next two weeks. I even went to Ikea and didn't buy one item! I know its Ikea but I usually find something to buy! But life thought I was having too much of a good time and then yelled 'Syke!'. I was on my way home tonight and I noticed my cell phone was acting up. Turned out that my phone company disconnected me because I went over my spending limit! I saw red!My car is not reliable and most of the time i am on my own, so I need my phone for emergency purposes. I had to dip into my week money and now I am going to be living off of my sad savings for the next two weeks. I was going to treat myself to a movie this weekend but it looks like life thought that was too wild for me this week.

To be honest, payday is the best and worst day of the week. You are so happy that you have a replenishment of money and that you may be able to buy some little things here and there. Maybe you can go out with your friends and party a little or you can finally buy that dress that you have been eyeing for a week. But it's also the worst day because if your like me and most everyone on the planet, you have bills and by the time you pay all those bills, your down to nothing in just a few short hours. You work a whole two weeks to make a $600 check, but it seems to disintegrate in a matter of hours. Ahhh...such is life I guess. Just hoping I can survive the next weeks on my 'savings'. :|

Thursday, March 14, 2013

What does money looks like again?

Holla everyone,

As you can see, my blog has changed a bit, including the title and layout. The reason for this change is because when I first started this blog, I was unsure of what I actually wanted to write about so I kind of just picked something easy. So, in essence the name and layout were a temporary fixer. I knew I wanted to blog about all the shenanigans that seem to happen around here but in light of recent events (my recent debt struggle) I decided to write about all my efforts to pay off my bills and trying to find ways to save money but still enjoy the life I'm living, perhaps in a zombie-esque way, but living none-the-less.

I made alot of mistakes when I was a teen, but one of those major mistakes was getting a credit card. What the hell was I thinking?! And more importantly, What were THEY thinking when they gave me to credit card?! I guess they assumed that since I was 18 and technically considered an adult that I could handle a credit card, but they forgot to consider the 'teen' part of 18. Yes, I handled it well for a while but you know the term, 'your eyes are bigger than your stomach'? Well, you could say that it relates to this too. I got a little greedy and decided to ask for a credit limit increase. Stupid, stupid me. I willingly went from a debt I could afford to a debt that would change my life. Now, life seemed to get better at one point, I was working in a salon and it seemed that I had a career. So, I applied for a second credit card, Do Not Ask Me Why! I was approved.

The rest is history, I guess and now my bed is made. I am too terrified to even enquire as to my credit rating and I am working on keeping the creditors at bay. But what happens now? Well, I make payments, wait for naggy calls, work, sleep, eat and try and find a way to fulfill my lust for shopping without breaking the bank, perhaps I will have to take up some thrift shopping. I do have a guy friend who loves to thrift shop, so he may have to show me the ropes to looking' incredible in your Granddads coat'. Plan on taking a hike this weekend so hopefully going to keep it simple and cheap by enjoying nature. I look forward to getting out of the hole I've dug for myself, but hopefully I'll have fun exploring on the way out.

P.S- This blog will still relate the crazy and sometimes, unbelievably true events of my crazy life.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

What is love? Does it exist?

Love? What is it? And...does it exist? That is such a good question and in all honesty, I have no freakin' idea. I thought more than once, that I had finally found it. You know, listening to all the sappy love songs, watching all the romantic movies and hoping things end like Pride and Prejudice. But usually at the end of it all I'm on the couch devouring a tub of Ben and Jerry's with mascara running down my face. Oh and listening to a ton of Taylor Swift songs about burning his pictures. Let's examine 'love' for a second.

Love can be defined in alot of way, sometimes we see someone and based on their outward appearance we believe that we are in love. But here is the thing, we all have a 'type' I would kill for a Tom Hardy clone, but let's face it, probably not going to happen. That's the thing about the 'type', it usually doesn't symbolize what we will end up with. Sometime we end up with the total opposite of what we want. But then there are these people who will not let the 'type' go, they will search until they are 80 just to find the exact thing they want. In my opinion though, they will end up sad and alone because they looked for someone perfect on the outside but didn't bother with the goods on the inside. I think love is about finding someone you are compatible with, not saying looks aren't important, but sometimes people become more attractive when we get to know the inner person. They suddenly become everything we were looking for.

At the end of the day 'Love' makes us feel good and if we don't feel good, they it isn't love...