Sunday, March 10, 2013

What is love? Does it exist?

Love? What is it? And...does it exist? That is such a good question and in all honesty, I have no freakin' idea. I thought more than once, that I had finally found it. You know, listening to all the sappy love songs, watching all the romantic movies and hoping things end like Pride and Prejudice. But usually at the end of it all I'm on the couch devouring a tub of Ben and Jerry's with mascara running down my face. Oh and listening to a ton of Taylor Swift songs about burning his pictures. Let's examine 'love' for a second.

Love can be defined in alot of way, sometimes we see someone and based on their outward appearance we believe that we are in love. But here is the thing, we all have a 'type' I would kill for a Tom Hardy clone, but let's face it, probably not going to happen. That's the thing about the 'type', it usually doesn't symbolize what we will end up with. Sometime we end up with the total opposite of what we want. But then there are these people who will not let the 'type' go, they will search until they are 80 just to find the exact thing they want. In my opinion though, they will end up sad and alone because they looked for someone perfect on the outside but didn't bother with the goods on the inside. I think love is about finding someone you are compatible with, not saying looks aren't important, but sometimes people become more attractive when we get to know the inner person. They suddenly become everything we were looking for.

At the end of the day 'Love' makes us feel good and if we don't feel good, they it isn't love...

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