Thursday, March 14, 2013

What does money looks like again?

Holla everyone,

As you can see, my blog has changed a bit, including the title and layout. The reason for this change is because when I first started this blog, I was unsure of what I actually wanted to write about so I kind of just picked something easy. So, in essence the name and layout were a temporary fixer. I knew I wanted to blog about all the shenanigans that seem to happen around here but in light of recent events (my recent debt struggle) I decided to write about all my efforts to pay off my bills and trying to find ways to save money but still enjoy the life I'm living, perhaps in a zombie-esque way, but living none-the-less.

I made alot of mistakes when I was a teen, but one of those major mistakes was getting a credit card. What the hell was I thinking?! And more importantly, What were THEY thinking when they gave me to credit card?! I guess they assumed that since I was 18 and technically considered an adult that I could handle a credit card, but they forgot to consider the 'teen' part of 18. Yes, I handled it well for a while but you know the term, 'your eyes are bigger than your stomach'? Well, you could say that it relates to this too. I got a little greedy and decided to ask for a credit limit increase. Stupid, stupid me. I willingly went from a debt I could afford to a debt that would change my life. Now, life seemed to get better at one point, I was working in a salon and it seemed that I had a career. So, I applied for a second credit card, Do Not Ask Me Why! I was approved.

The rest is history, I guess and now my bed is made. I am too terrified to even enquire as to my credit rating and I am working on keeping the creditors at bay. But what happens now? Well, I make payments, wait for naggy calls, work, sleep, eat and try and find a way to fulfill my lust for shopping without breaking the bank, perhaps I will have to take up some thrift shopping. I do have a guy friend who loves to thrift shop, so he may have to show me the ropes to looking' incredible in your Granddads coat'. Plan on taking a hike this weekend so hopefully going to keep it simple and cheap by enjoying nature. I look forward to getting out of the hole I've dug for myself, but hopefully I'll have fun exploring on the way out.

P.S- This blog will still relate the crazy and sometimes, unbelievably true events of my crazy life.

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